St. Bernadette has a Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry that supports domestic violence victims and seeks to educate our community to prevent domestic violence. Any questions or if you are willing to get involved, contact the parish office at 708-423-8110.
Through the direction of the Archdiocese of Chicago Domestic Violence Outreach, we have put together this directory from the information we received and can therefore direct anyone in need of help to the appropriate organization. The following are some of these resources and hotlines:
The Archdiocese of Chicago's Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry:
The City of Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line: (877) 863-6338, (877) 863-6339 (TTY) Multilingual
A New Direction, Beverly Morgan Park, IL: (773) 253-7226
Aid for Women: 24-hour helpline 312-621-1100 Founded in 1978 on the faith and teachings of the Catholic Church, Aid for Women helps thousands of women each year in the Chicago metropolitan area who find themselves facing unexpected and difficult pregnancies
Between Friends: a nonprofit agency dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic violence and building a community free of abuse, Phone: (773) 274-5232; Fax: (773) 262-2543; TTY: (773) 274-6508, Crisis Hotline: (800) 603-HELP (4357)
CAASE: Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation, Phone: 773-244-2230; Fax: 773-244-2217
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Southwest Regional Office, (708) 430-0428, 7000 West 111th St., Ste 101, Worth, IL 60482
Center for Advancing Domestic Peace, Inc.: Phone 312-265-0206; Fax: 312-455-0573
Catholics for Family Peace: For more information, contact Sharon O'Brien, Ph.D. at 301-651-8190 or [email protected]
Connections for Abused Women and their Children (CAWC), Phone: 773-489-9081; Fax: 773-490-6111, 24-hour Crisis Line: 773-278-4566
Crisis Center for South Suburbia, Tinley Park, IL: (708) 429-SAFE (7233)
Elder Abuse: 24-Hour Hotline 1-866-800-1409 or 1-888-206-1327 (TTY)
Family Rescue, Chicago, IL: (800) 360-6619, (773) 375-8400
Family Shelter Service, Wheaton, IL: (630) 469-5650
Guardian Angel, Joliet, IL: Domestic Violence 24-Hour Hotline(815) 729-1228 Multilingual
Sexual Assault 24-Hour Hotline: (815) 730-8984
Homelessness 24-Hour Hotline: (800) 654-8595
House of the Good Shepherd: Welcomes with love and compassion women and children affected by domestic violence who seek their help, Phone: 773-935-3523
Illinois Department on Aging 24-hour Adult Protective Services Hotline: 1-866-800-1409
Illinois Department of Public Health, Nursing Home Hotline: 1-800-252-4343
Illinois Domestic Violence Help Line: 1-877-TO END DV or 1-877-863-6338 (Voice), 1-877-863-6339 (TTY)
Life Span, Center for Legal Services & Advocacy, Chicago IL 60601; Phone: 312-408-1210; Fax: 312-408-1223, Des Plaines, IL 60017: Phone: 847-824-0382; Fax: 847-824-5311; TDD: 847-824-0189, After-hours Crisis Line (847) 532-9540
Maryville Crisis Nursery, 4015 N. Oak Park Ave. Bldg B, Chicago, IL 60634, Phone (773) 205-3600, Fax (773) 205-3633, A temporary emergency shelter for newborns through age six, Need 24-hour crisis child care, a referral or help? Call our 24-hour helpline at (773) 205-3637
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children; Call center operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678)
National Center for Victims of Crime, the nation's leading resource and advocacy organization for crime victims and those who serve them. Includes national hotlines and helpful links, Phone: (202) 467-8700; Fax: (202) 467-8701
National Human Trafficking Resource Center: 1-888-373-7888 Text: HELP to BeFree (233733)
National Runaway Safeline; 24-hour crisis line: 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929)
National Teen Dating Abuse helpline: 1-866-331-9474
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Neopolitan Lighthouse, Domestic Violence Agency, Phone: 773-638-0228; 24-hour Crisis Hotline: 773-722-0005
Pillars, La Grange, IL: Domestic Violence 24-Hour Hotline (708) 485-9600, Sexual Assault 24-Hour Hotline (708) 482-9600
PLOWS Council on Aging, Palos Heights, IL, Phone: 708-361-0219; Fax: 708-361-9853
Polish America Association, Chicago, IL: (773) 427-6331
Pregnancy Aid South Suburbs (PASS): Call Center 708-614-9777, After-Hours Line (Speak to a live person) 800-712-4357, 24-hour pregnancy help: Text "Helpline" to 313131; Fax: 708-614-7536
Confidential Pregnancy and Parenting Services. PASS has provided a safe, non-judgmental environment for pregnancy, parenting, family, relationship and restoration resources since 1983
RVA - Rape Victim Advocates, Phone:312-443-9603 x 38; Fax: 312-443-9602 180 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 600, Chicago, IL 60601
Sarah's Inn, Oak Park, IL: 24-Hour Crisis Line (708) 386-4225
South Suburban Family Shelter, Homewood, IL (708) 335-3028
The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)
The COURAGE Program: 9711 S. Kolin Ave. -- The Courage Program is a special and unique ministry based at St. Germaine Parish in Oak Lawn, Illinois. COURAGE is a volunteer organization built on compassion and Christian values, advocating for pregnant young women and their families. (708) 636-8001, Email: [email protected]
The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233, 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) The first online and mobile accessible database of U.S. DV providers, helping survivors find help faster and more easily:
Together We Cope (TWC) Phone: 708-633-5040 A prevention agency based in Tinley Park, Illinois, Together We Cope provides resources to families in temporary crisis, enabling them to stay in their homes
WINGS (Women In Need Grow Stronger): 24-Hour Hotline (847) 221-5680)
YWCA Metropolitan Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline, operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 888-293-2080 in Chicago Metropolitan Area, 630-971-3927 in DuPage County, 708-748-5672 in the South Suburbs
Illinois Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-25-ABUSE or 1-800-252-2873, 1-800-358-5117 (TTY), 217-524-2606 if calling from outside Illinois
Cook County Department of Public Health, Domestic Violence Program Locator Cook County:, Cook County Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-603-4357
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: When I Call for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women:
Human Trafficking:
The Archdiocese of Chicago Domestic Violence Outreach: