Registration for Faith Formation Religious Education Classes [1st-8th Grade] is now available for 2024-2025. Complete the Google Form HERE to register Contact Tina for information at [email protected]
Registration for the Faith Formation Religious Education classes grades 1-8 is open now for 2024-2025. Balance must be paid in full from 2023-2024 class sessions to register. Once the online form is submitted and the non-refundable registration / book fee is turned in, registration is complete. Please feel free to contact Tina O'Shea Creed by email with questions. [[email protected]].
Families new to Faith Formation at St. Gianna Parish (grades 3-8) are asked to provide sacrament certificates along with verification of attendance from the previous Catholic school or the parish Religious Education Program they attended. All First, Second, and Confirmation Level 2 parents are asked to turn in a copy of their child's baptismal certificate upon registration. Thank you for your help and cooperation in this process.
A minimum of two years in the program is required prior to the celebration of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion [Grades 1 & 2]. A minimum of two years in the program is required prior to the sacrament of Confirmation [Grades 7 & 8].
Classes will be held on Monday evenings from 6:00-7:30 PM. Classes for 2024-2025 will begin September 9, 2024.
If you would like to volunteer as a catechist, please contact Tina O'Shea Creed. All volunteers 18 and older must be in compliance with the Archdiocesan Policy for Protecting God's Children. Classroom eligibility is dependent on volunteers. Thank you for your time and sharing your faith.